Become the woman you are meant to be!
What you will find here is unique. Through this 6 week one-on-one coaching program, I will bring you on a personalized journey where we will discuss your needs and start building your toolbox to become an empowered and self reliant woman! I will create a safe place for you—a place where you will be free to share your deepest feelings and, if necessary, trauma from your past.
I strongly believe Jesus Christ is the master teacher and He will heal our wounds. I also believe that He places people on our path to lead us closer to Him and I know I can be this person for you! I will be this accompanying sister to guide and walk with you through this necessary healing process to “rise up from the dust.”
We all have limiting beliefs and sometimes those limiting beliefs become a wall we cannot pass through alone—without someone to help us break through! After this program, if you play your part and put all your effort into it, I can promise you that you will see change in your life and that you will be more confident and willing to accomplish the mission you feel the Lord wants you to do, no matter what it means for you personally.

How can I know this program is for me?
If you are a woman, between 18-65 years old, this is probably for you! Do you suffer from anxiety or often feel overwhelmed with your emotions? Do you need help with your dating life? Are you married and struggling in your relationship with your spouse? If the answer is “yes” to one or more than these questions, I am probably the one you need!.
What investment of time do I need to commit to do this coaching program with you?
If you have at least one hour a week, it is a good start. Each week, we will have a one hour zoom meeting where we will discuss together and where I will give you some tools to apply during the week that will help you see lasting change. We will set goals together and then it will be up to you to choose how much time you want to consecrate to them. If you have any questions or you need some help, I will stay available through text messages everyday. I will be your accountability buddy!
How much does your coaching program cost?
Now, I will ask you a question before I answer. How much are you ready to invest in yourself? My coaching program has a value of $1500 US. I see it as a long-term investment. When you offer this kind of gift to yourself, it will not only bless your personal life, but also the life of all the people that will cross your path; Your future or already lucky husband, your family, your children, your friends etc… They will thank you and you will thank yourself later too for the choice you will make to invest in yourself!
What will it bring to me? Why is it so important?
Being able to understand ourselves and awaken our consciousness about our destructive patterns is a huge blessing. Knowledge is power. Knowing how to heal from emotional wounds and false beliefs will allow you to get rid of unnecessary pain and frustration of the past. You will feel more confident, happy and your relationships will grow to another level! Working on yourself will allow you to shine brighter. It will help you to be in harmony with the way God created you and become a greater blessing for the people you love the most. You will be more efficient to consecrate your life to your Savior.
Is this program refundable?
No, this program is not refundable. This is not about money. This is about personal commitment. I want to work with committed women only!
*** If you need a pep talk before making this move, you can read the story below:
Let me share with you a story. When my husband and I decided to buy a coaching program to become coaches ourselves, our personal coach told us we had to give 5000$ in one payment before starting the first session with him. My husband had just lost his online job. I was pregnant with our second child and almost two months before, we had left almost all our belongings in Quebec to move to Alberta. It was a crazy experience but we knew in our hearts that it was God’s plan for us. We had almost no money and we were only able to pay 5000$ by taking this amount of money in our savings account that was for our future house. One night, I was crying and in distress, wondering why I was feeling this “unlogical” idea to give all our money to this guy (this guy is one of the most amazing guys I know by the way). I was struggling, our marriage was weakening due to intense stress and I was losing hope. Then, I felt the Lord telling me: “This is not your money, this is mine. Have faith and I will strengthen you. This sacrifice will bless the lives of many people in the future”. So, we did it. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? YES! Our marriage became stronger, I became a better wife and mother and oh, the sweet sweet blessing of seeing lives changing! I love to see women feeling empowered and having a better relationship with God! This big sacrifice taught me that if you are ready to commit and put 100% of your efforts, all the chances are on your side to be successful.
If I am committed but struggling financially, can I pay in many payments?
I ask my clients to make this commitment to pay the whole amount at the beginning, simply because it helps you start with the good mindset that you are “all in” on this journey of change. However, I understand that hard situations are happening in this life and an arrangement can be made if I see that we are a good fit together and also that you are ready for change.
How can I know if we will be a good fit together?
I offer a 30 minute free discovery call where we can discuss and get to know each other a little. During this call, we discuss your needs, you can ask questions and we can see if this program would be a good thing for you. You have nothing to lose!
I loved working with Annabel. She showed me much love and kindness! I was reminded to be confident with the little things that I do and the words that I say not only to myself but to others as well!
Sera Smith
Coaching client

I am so grateful to Annabel who has helped greatly during some challenging periods in my life. She has a special way to make me feel heard, and respected while also sharing wisdom with profound care and kindness. I always feel uplifted following our discussions- thank you Annabel!
Julie-Anne Morphis

Annabel has always been a source of inspiration for me since I was very young, she often finds the right words at the right times which remind us of our divine and sacred identity as women and mothers, in short she is a precious friend and leader.
Brenda Tshipamba

About Annabel
My name is Annabel Baril and I am so excited to have you here on our website! I am a wife to an amazing husband and a mother of two. I am 26 and I love connecting with people. I am an artistic soul and a hyper sensitive person (which means that I feel A LOT of things). When I was young, I often felt overwhelmed by this sensitivity but God taught me that it was a wonderful gift to bless the life of others around me and this is so true! I love to sing and eat healthy. My name means “grace” and “beauty.” If you talk to me about elegant outfits or home decoration, you will see my energy level cranking up! I need to say though, my Savior Jesus Christ is really the center of my life and I am grateful to have His teachings leading our little home.
After being a personal witness of God’s miracle in my life when He healed me from the chronic illness I was suffering for more than 15 years, I promised Him I was going to consecrate my life in the service of others. I told Him I was going to be more serious about helping couples with my husband and being a helpmeet for women to understand and own their true divine identity!